Sunday, July 14, 2013

Wayang kulit, Javanese Traditional Puppet Show

Puppet (wayang) is the  masterpieces of Indonesian culture among many other exotic cultures. puppet show covering various arts, such as acting, singing, music, speech arts, literary arts, painting, sculpture, and art is also symbolic. Puppets, which continues to grow from antiquity to the present, also a lighting media, propaganda, education, entertainment, philosophical understanding and of course entertainment.

According to the research of the history, wayang kulit is native culture of Indonesia, particularly in Java. Puppet existence centuries before the Hindu religion into Java. Although a popular puppet story in today's society is an adaptation of the works of Indian literature, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Both mother story then changes and additions to fit the original philosophy of Indonesia.

This adjustment also involves the philosophical view of Java against the gods in the puppet position. The gods in the puppet is no longer something that is free from wrong, but like the other God's creatures, sometimes acting wrong, and it could be a blunder. The presence punakawan (joker) in puppet characters were created  to reinforce the concept of cultural Javanese philosophy that in this world there is no creature that is really good, and really nasty. Every creature is always bearing elements of good and evil.

Dutch cultural historian Dr. GA.J. Hazeau said that the puppet is a native Java performance. Understanding puppet in the dissertation Dr. Hazeau it is walulang inukir (carved leather) and seen its shadow on the screen. Thus, the question of course is Wayang kulit  as we know it today.

                                                    kelir, screen to play wayang

Origin of a Wayang

There are two opinions on the origins of wayang kulit . First, puppets originated and was first born on the island of Java, precisely in East Java. This opinion than embraced and advanced by researchers and experts in the nation of Indonesia, also the research scholars of the West. Among Western scholars belonging to this group, is Hazeau, Brandes, Kats, Rentse, and Kruyt.

The reason they are strong enough. Among other things, that the art of wayang kulit is still closely related to sociocultural and religious state of the Indonesian people, especially the Javanese. Punakawan, the most important figures in the puppet, that are Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong, are only the Indonesian wayang, and not in other countries. In addition, names and technical terms puppet, all derived from the Old Javanese language, and not the other languages.

                                                            semar, a punokawan caracter

Meanwhile, a second opinion suspected puppets from India, brought together by the Hindu religion to Indonesia. They include Pischel, Hidding, Krom, Poensen, Goslings, and Rassers. Most of this second group is the British scholar, the European country that once colonized India. However, since the 1950s, the books seemed to have agreed that the puppet puppet is derived from Java, and in no way are imported from other countries.

Estimated puppet culture is born at least in the reign of King Airlangga, king of Kahuripan (976 - 1012), when the kingdom in East Java is in the peak of its prosperity. Literary works that became the puppet story was written by the Javanese poet, since the X Century. Among other things, the literature script- Ramayana Kakawin with Old Javanese language was written during the reign of King Dyah Balitung (989-910), which is the composition of the book of Ramayana written by Indian poet Valmiki. Furthermore, the Javanese poet no longer just translating the Ramayana and the Mahabharata into Old Javanese language, but compose and retelling the Javanese philosophy by incorporating into it. For example, the work of the empu Kanwa “Arjunawiwaha Kakawin”, which is a book of compositions from Mahabharata. Another composition that very different from the original version of the India story, is the work of master Sedah and master Panuluh “Baratayuda Kakawin”. Great work done during the reign of King Jayabaya, king of Kediri (1130-1160).

Puppet as a performance and spectacle had already started there since the reign of King Airlangga. Some inscriptions were made at that time, among others, already mentions the words "mawayang  'and` aringgit' which means that the puppet show.

Ir. Sri Mulyono in his book symbolism and mysticism in the Puppet (1979), estimate the puppet has existed since Neolithic times, that is approximately 1,500 years before Christ. His opinion was based on the writings Robert von Heine Geldern Ph.. D, Prehistoric Research in the Netherland Indies (1945) and Prof. writing. K.A.H. Hidding in Indonesian Encyclopedia page 987.

                                                      shadow puppets behind the screen

The word “wayang” probably derived from the word “wewayangan”, which means shadow. This is consistent with the fact alleged in Wayang kulit  performances that use “kelir”, a piece of cloth, as a barrier between the puppeteer who plays the puppet, and the audience behind the curtain. Spectators only seeing puppet movements through the shadows fall on the screen. At that time puppet performances accompanied only by a simple set of gamelan consist of saron, he argued (a type of flute), and kemanak. Another type of gamelan and singer at that time suspected no.

                                                    gamelan, music instrument to play wayang

Introduction of Islam to Indonesia since the 15th century was also a big influence on the culture of puppets, especially the religious concept of the philosophy of the puppet. In the early 15th century, the kingdom of Demak era, began to use specially shaped oil lamps called blencong in Wayang kulit  performances.

                                                   blencong, lamp to lighting up puppet show

Since Kartasura age, composing wayang kulit story are getting far from Ramayana and Mahabharata as the original story. Since the days that people know genealogy enthusiasts puppet characters, including gods figure, which originated from the Prophet Adam. It genealogy continues to come to the kings of Java. And furthermore, also known as the story began to grip puppet. appropriate standards of the story, and the story lines beyond puppet carangan standard. In addition there's more drama called splinter, which was too far out of the story grip.

Indeed, because the strength of puppet art is rooted in the culture of Indonesia, so there was some confusion between the wayang kulit stories, legends, and history. If the Indians think that the story of Mahabharata and Ramayana actually happened in his country, regarded Javanese wayang kulit story actually happened on the island of Java.

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