Friday, June 21, 2013

Joglo, Javanese Traditional House

Joglo is a traditional house of Javanese society. Joglo parts, namely:

1. pendapa.
2. pringgitan.
3. dalem (palace).
4. sentong.
5. Gandok tengen.
6. Gandok Kiwo.

Part of the hall is the very front of the room that has a broad Joglo without barriers, typically used as a meeting place for large events for penghuninya.Seperti leather puppet show, dance, gamelan and a celebration event lain.Pada time there is usually a great guest spot . There is usually a cornerstone of the pavilion, cornerstone winches, intercropping.

Pringgitan section is part of the link between the pavilion and the house with a verandah dalem.Bagian usually limit the seketsel and the palace is restricted to gebyok.Fungsi pringgitan usually as part of the living room.

Dalem section is part of the family relaxing place. Part of the room that is more privacy.
Type Joglo
1. Joglo Limasan jokes
2. Joglo Sinom
3. Joglo Jompongan
4. Joglo Pangrawit (musicians)
5. Joglo Mangkurat
6. Joglo Hageng
7. Joglo Semar Tinandhu

Spread on the island of Java, Because of the proximity of this building culture also found on the island of Madura and Bali islands.


Joglo house is an architectural building traditional java, joglo main building has a frame consisting of a pillar of the four main pillars supporting the structure and composition of intercropping is a cornerstone of the propped beam.

Layout of the rooms at the Joglo generally divided into three parts, namely the so-called pendhapa meeting room, living room or space that is used to hold a puppet show called pringgitan, and a back room called the palace or omah jero as a family room. In this room there are three senthong (room) is senthong left, middle and senthong right.

Occurred in the application of the principle of hierarchy of spatial arrangement patterns. Each room has a different value, the front room is common (public) and the rear is specific (personal / private). Uniquely, each room from the patio, verandah to the rear (pawon and pekiwan) not only has function but also loaded with elements of Javanese life philosophy. Elements of religion / belief in god is realized by a cult of Dewi Sri (Goddess of fertility and happiness households) according to the people's livelihood Java (peasant-agrarian). The space is called krobongan, the rooms are always empty, but complete with beds, mattresses, pillows, and bolsters, and can also be used for the first night for the newlyweds (Widayat, 2004: 7). Krobongan a special space created as a tribute to Dewi Sri is considered very important role in all aspects of community life Java.

Pringgitan have a conceptual meaning is the place to show himself as a symbol of the owner of the house that he was only a shadow or puppet of Dewi Sri (the goddess of rice) which is the source of all life, fertility, and happiness (Hidayatun, 1999:39). According Rahmanu Widayat (2004: 5), is the space between pendhapa pringgitan and palace as a place for puppet show (ringgit), which is associated with ritual performances for children ruwatan Sukerta (children who fall prey Bathara Kala, ensuing giant god).

Dalem (Main Room)
The main hall of the palace or house joglo a home owner's personal space. In the main room of the palace there are some parts of the living room and some rooms or called senthong. In the first period, room or senthong only made three rooms only, and even this room designated just automatically into three first room to sleep or rest rooms both men remained empty but filled a bed or a divan bed complete with equipment, and the third intended sleeping or resting place of women.

The second room or being called by krobongan is the place to store heritage and places of worship to the Goddess Sri. Senthong middle or krobongan is the most sacred places / private for the residents.

In the palace or stored krobongan meaningful unseen treasures and the first harvest of rice, Dewi Sri is also regarded as the owner and hostess were true. Inside there krobongan beds, mattresses, pillows, and bolsters, is the first night room for the newlyweds, it is interpreted as an event of cosmic union with the Deity Goddess Kama Ruth Kamajaya the gods love romance marriage (Mangunwijaya, 1992: 108). In the tradition of the Javanese nobility Yogyakarta, central senthong or krobongan contains various objects symbol (fixtures) that have a unitary sense of the sacred (holy). Various objects were different symbol with symbol objects farmer. But both have symbolic meaning fertility, happiness is the realization of households Dewi Sri (Wibowo et al., 1987: 63).

Wacana Nusantara

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