Thursday, July 18, 2013

Javanese Gamelan

Javanese gamelan is a set of Javanese musical instruments handed down from generation to generation. Gamelan can be found in Central Java and Yogyakarta. The music was soft and reflect the harmony of life, as principle of life adopted by the Java community at large. The musical instruments played together, if one does not play an instrument will produce a different sound. It is also one of the principles of Javanese life, namely mutual assistance. By the Java community is commonly used instrument for sinden singing accompaniment, and accompaniment puppet show. Gamelan also played instrumental, with orchestra. Gamelan consists of several instruments, namely:


This instrument is played with wearing beaten the bat is made of wood. Sharon is the main melody filler in Javanese gamelan composition. sound sources on This tool is a metal planks, with basic material iron, brass and bronze.


Form and function the same as saron, but demung voice an octave lower than the saron and louder sound. Bat for demung also larger than the saron hitter.

Character Wayang Ki Lurah Semar (a symbol of peace and safety)

Semar as a symbol of the human father of Java. Even in the book Jayabaya term, Semar is used to symbolize the kings adviser in Java that has lived more than 2500 years. In this case Ki Semar village chief known as Ki and Ki Sabdapalon Nayagenggong, twin brother of Kings spiritual advisor. Ki Semar village chief in the context Sabdapalon and Nayagenggong is Dahyang (guard) of Java man.

                                                                      Ki Lurah Semar
According Jayabaya term future twin sister will be present again after 500 years since the fall of Majapahit to give lessons to human momongannya Java (archipelago). If his return is calculated, which ranged from 2005 to 2011. So for the knights momongannya Ki Semar village chief is like a talisman; might siji dirumat tour. In addition to being an advisor, punakawan will be a helper and savior / protector when the knights momongannya in danger.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace

Ngayogyakarta Palace or Keraton Yogyakarta is the official palace of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta which is now located in the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Although the empire has officially become part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950, this palace building complex still serves as a residence sultan and his court of households that still runs to this day the imperial tradition. This palace is now also one of the attractions in the city of Yogyakarta. Most complex palace is a museum that holds various collections of the empire, including the provision of various European kings, replica heritage palace, and gamelan. In terms of the building, this palace is one example of Javanese palace architecture at its best, has a luxurious halls and pavilions and a wide field


Keraton Yogyakarta was founded by the lane I Giyanti few months after the agreement in 1755. This palace is the location of a former Pesanggarahan reputedly named Garjitawati. This building used to break the funeral procession kings of Mataram (Kartasura and Surakarta) to be buried in Imogiri. Another version states the location of the palace is a spring, Umbul Pacethokan, who is in the middle of the forest Beringan. Before assuming the Sultan Palace, the lane I stay in the Guest Houses Ketawang Ambar which now includes the District Gamping, Sleman.

Javanese Traditional cuisine

Java is one of the island which quite a lot of people with diverse tribes and cultures. In addition, Java also has a wide range of traditional dishes that could make the tourists tongue became hooked and wanted to try it. And that will be discussed this time is the traditional cuisine of Central Java. There are few examples of traditional Javanese cuisine :

Lumpia Semarang.

The food is fairly typical and very delicious when eaten while warm. Even better if added with a sweet creamy sauce that makes sense of lumpia semarang is very much liked by the tourists. In it there are bamboo shoots, chicken, egg, and shrimp are very tasty and pasa when combined with the sweetness of a creamy sauce.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Wayang kulit, Javanese Traditional Puppet Show

Puppet (wayang) is the  masterpieces of Indonesian culture among many other exotic cultures. puppet show covering various arts, such as acting, singing, music, speech arts, literary arts, painting, sculpture, and art is also symbolic. Puppets, which continues to grow from antiquity to the present, also a lighting media, propaganda, education, entertainment, philosophical understanding and of course entertainment.

According to the research of the history, wayang kulit is native culture of Indonesia, particularly in Java. Puppet existence centuries before the Hindu religion into Java. Although a popular puppet story in today's society is an adaptation of the works of Indian literature, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Both mother story then changes and additions to fit the original philosophy of Indonesia.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Architecture of Java

 Java architecture is the distinctive building forms designed by the Javanese for various functions. Among them are or Joglo Javanese houses a very unique shape. Shape of the building is strongly influenced by the Javanese Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Java architecture also adapt the shape of the building of Chinese, Dutch and Arabic. Since the first of the Javanese are good at making architecture it is proved by the discovery of a number of monumental temples in Java such as Borobudur and Prambanan. Even Java-Yogyakarta and East Java in Indonesia was recorded as the highest region has temples with more than 50 temples. In Java, there are also many mosques that are Hindu and Islamic acculturation as the Great Mosque of Demak.

 Stupa of Borobudur Temple

Majapahit Terracotta

Majapahit terracotta clay is crafting Majapahit era. Terracotta is a character art during the Majapahit culture is very well known and commonly found. Results of this art form of statues, tubs, pots, flower vases, decorative roofs, tile, wall wells (prostitute), jug, or jar. At the Majapahit era of knowledge about manufacturing goods from baked clay with the principle of making forms or models of clay, dried in the sun, and burned it in the fire.

Geography of Java

Java lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east. Borneo lies to the north and Christmas Island to the south. It is the world's 13th largest island. Java is surrounded by Java Sea in the north, Sunda Strait in the west, Indian Ocean in the south and Bali Strait and Madura Strait in the east.

Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin; it contains thirty-eight mountains forming an east-west spine which have at one time or another been active volcanoes. The highest volcano in Java is Mount Semeru (3,676 m). The most active volcano in Java and also in Indonesia is Mount Merapi (2,968 m). See Volcanoes of Java.

                                                             Mount Merapi

More mountains and highlands help to split the interior into a series of relatively isolated regions suitable for wet-rice cultivation; the rice lands of Java are among the richest in the world. Java was the first place where Indonesian coffee was grown, starting in 1699. Today, Coffea arabica is grown on the Ijen Plateau by small-holders and larger plantations.
Parahyangan highland near Buitenzorg, ca. 1865-1872