Thursday, July 18, 2013

Character Wayang Ki Lurah Semar (a symbol of peace and safety)

Semar as a symbol of the human father of Java. Even in the book Jayabaya term, Semar is used to symbolize the kings adviser in Java that has lived more than 2500 years. In this case Ki Semar village chief known as Ki and Ki Sabdapalon Nayagenggong, twin brother of Kings spiritual advisor. Ki Semar village chief in the context Sabdapalon and Nayagenggong is Dahyang (guard) of Java man.

                                                                      Ki Lurah Semar
According Jayabaya term future twin sister will be present again after 500 years since the fall of Majapahit to give lessons to human momongannya Java (archipelago). If his return is calculated, which ranged from 2005 to 2011. So for the knights momongannya Ki Semar village chief is like a talisman; might siji dirumat tour. In addition to being an advisor, punakawan will be a helper and savior / protector when the knights momongannya in danger.

In the puppet story “Ki Lurah Semar Jumeneng Begawan”, Ki Lurah Semar as a symbol of the common people. Then Ki lurah Semar also called a demigod. In a spiritual perspective, Ki lurah Semar character represents a simple, quiet, humble, sincere, not hypocritical, it's never too sad and never laughed so merrily. mental state is very stable, not easily shocked and amazed by something. Ki Lurah Semar like calm water that washed away, tucked away behind the peace stance genius, mental sharpness, rich life experience and knowledge. Headman Ki Semar figure illustrates a patient, sincere, loving, kindness keepers, keepers of truth and avoiding savage behavior. Headman Ki Semar also dubbed Badranaya, meaning Badra is the moon, naya is face. Or Nayantaka, naya is the face, taka: pale. Both are meant to symbolize that Semar has a character of moon and a the pale face, meaning no indulgence. Semareka den Prayitna: semare means to lull himself, so that his mind is always alert. Then being put to sleep is the five senses of lust. Actions always netepi kodrat Hyang Widhi (resigned), by turning off the negative passions. Such an attitude will be articulated into the attitude of the character of our daily Wantun in the association, 'pale' is not easy emotionally cool, calm and authoritative, not angry or afraid if verbally abused, do not forget yourself when praised, as the character Badranaya or moon face.

Example Javanese puppet show, there can be seen below:
Meaning behind the death sentence sajroning urip wani (bold death in life). Actions netepi kodrat Hyang Widhi (resigned), by turning off the negative passions. Such an attitude will be articulated into the attitude of our character everyday in the association, 'pale' is not easy emotionally cool, calm and authoritative, not angry or afraid if verbally abused, do not forget yourself when praised, as the character of moon face of Badranaya.

In Javanese spiritual philosophy, especially regarding the concept of kawula manunggaling kawulo Gusti, Ki Semar may be the personification of the essence of a true teacher in every human being. Semar is vague, symbolizing that the true soul of a true teacher or his form is not real or physical vague, and no intention eyes. While Pendawa Lima is the personification of the bodies in which there are five senses. Due to the nature of the body or bodies tend to become complacent and weak, it should be a warrior, should be taken care of and supervised by a real teacher to always mindful and waspadha. so that the body has the firmness on the teachings of the true good of the teacher. Controlling one's true teacher is to keep it in the proper and correct action. Who is left by Ki Semar with Gareng, Petruk, Bagong, he would be damned if he's knight in his country it will get a lot of disasters such as disease outbreaks (pageblug), drought, famine. All of it as a punishment for man (warrior) who left the true teachings of his teacher.

                                                                   Punakawan Group 



In a political perspective, the group Punakawan Ki Lurah Semar and his sons Gareng, Petruk, Bagong as a symbol of the aspirations of the institution undertaking the suffering of the people, so the group's clown serves as a mouthpiece for the people, doing criticism, advice, and suggestions. Obligation as a controller, supervisor, supervising the running of the government under the Pendhawa as a symbol of the executive branch or a government agency. With this explanation, is actually in the Javanese tradition from the past has been known for a democratic political system.

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